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Welcome to My Web Portfolio

  Image of a fish Image of a fish Image of a fish

JavaScript Fish: Click one to scare it!(must enable JavaScript)


This site was created as my Final Project for an intro-level PHP class at Stark State College. The site includes simple membership controls, along with some admin pages (which you will not be able to view). I wanted to have fun with the page, so I incorporated a handful of other projects I have developed. These projects are created using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ajax, and Flash.

In order to view some of the content, it is necessary to log in. Feel free to register, or use the default user:
Username: Guest & password: GuestUser1.

The fish tank above is created using JavaScript. If the fish are not moving, it may be necessary to enable Javascript.

Since the project was supposed focus on the php fucntionality, I decided to dress it up with some non-standard CSS3. That means that the page will not validate, but it will look fancier in some browsers. The page looks best in Firefox. However, it looks just as good, or degrades rather gracefully, in other browsers.

My Pac-Man Game

Finally, some of the content may take awhile to load. I was not concerned with optimization of my graphic images, because this was not intended to run on a live site. Part of the blame can be accredited to the fact that I am sharing some technical demos. Some of these projects were created as assignments or for personal use. I did not have to take load time or the viewer's computer speed into consideration.